Taxi Prices & Destinations in Tirana

A journey just as beautiful as the destination!

Tirana - Durres

Book an electric taxi at your disposal!

2400 ALL

Tirana - Rinas

Book an electric taxi at your disposal!

1200 ALL

Tirana - Vlora

Book an electric taxi at your disposal!

8000 ALL

Tirana - Pogradec

Book an electric taxi at your disposal!

7000 ALL

Tirana - Elbasan

Book an electric taxi at your disposal!

2400 ALL

Tirana - Gjiri Lalzit

Book an electric taxi at your disposal!

2600 ALL

Tirana - Shkodra

Book an electric taxi at your disposal!

6000 ALL

Tirana - Golem

Book an electric taxi at your disposal!

2800 ALL

The safest & most affordable way to travel.

After each trip, our drivers clean the cars, to maintain the maximum hygiene of the vehicle.

You can request to have zero contact with the driver during the transfer to your destination.

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